TSI, 772
Tuberculosis, 569
Tubulins, 62, 453,481,482
Tumor cells, 235
Tumor suppressor genes, 612
Tumor suppressor protein /?53, 64
Tumor- (growth) suppressor (anti-onco)
antioncogenes, 612
Tumor-suppressor genes, 611
Tunicamycin, 316
Turnover number, 90
Turnover of cellular proteins, 331
/l-tums, 51
Type A insulin resistance, 495
Type I fibers, 463
Type I hyperlipoproteinemia, 440
Type II, 469
Type IIA, 463
Type IIB, 463
Type lib fibers, 470
Type III hyperlipoproteinemia, 441
Type IV, 535
Type I, 469
Type II, 469
Tyrosinase, 895
Tyrosine, 25, 279, 356, 508
Tyrosine kinase, 25, 494,
722, 833
Tyrosine kinase activity, 721
Tyrosine metabolism
abnormalities of, 360
Tyrosine phosphastase, 612
Tyrosinemia, 25, 360
type II, 360
Tyrosinemia type I, 353
Tyrosinosis, 25, 360
Ubiquinone, 927
Ubiquinone (coenzyme Q), 927
Ubiquinone (cytochrome c), 254
UDP-glucuronyltransferase, 692
UDP-galactose, 298
UDP-galactose-4-epimerase, 297
UDP-glucose, 291, 298, 308
UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, 283
UDP-glucuronic acid, 692
UDP-glucuronic acid formed, 291
UDP-glucuronyltransferase, 694
Ulcerogenesis, 207
Ultrafiltration, 37
Ultraviolet (UV) absorption
tryptophan, phenylalanine, and
2 0
formation, 638
Uncharged tRNA, 574
Uncompetitive inhibition, 97
Unconjugated estriol, 923
Uncooked starch, 291
Uncoupling of mitochondria, 224
Undecaprenyl phosphate, 324
Undetermined, 612
Uniparental disomy, 606
Unmeasured anions, 936
Unsaturated fatty acids
metabolism, 386
structure and function, 386
Unusual amino acids, 26
Urea, 36, 332
formation of, 343
Urea synthesis, 340
energetics of, 343
Urease, 85, 207
Uremia, 24
Uricotelic organisms, 340
Uridine diphosphate (UDP), 108, 283
Uridine 5'-phosphate (UMP), 343
Uridine triphosphate, 283
Uridine-5' -monophosphate (UMP)
pathway, 639
Uridylate kinase, 639
Urobilinogen, 694
Urolithiasis, 879
Uronic acid pathway, 620
Uronic sugar acids, 140
Urolithiasis, 879
Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase, 687
Uroporphyrinogen III, 687
Uroporphyrinogen III synthase,
Ursodiol, 427
Use of creatine as a dietary
supplement, 349
Uterine stretch receptors, 725
Uteroplacental junction, 162
non-hydrolyzable forms of,
2 2 2
UV absorption at 280 nm, 35
UV light, 25
V, 586
va cA
gene, 207
Vaccine, 833
A ß
peptide, 63
DNA, 537
Vagi, 198
Vagus nerve, 203
Valine, 20,214, 279, 331
Valinomycin, 261
Van der Waals attractive forces, 52, 58
Van der Waals repulsive forces, 52
Vanadium, 893
Vancomycin, 326, 328
Vanillylmandelic acid (VMA), 762, 763
Vapor pressure depression, 932
Variable number tandem repeats
(VNTRs), 539
Varicose veins (dilated tortuous veins),
Variegate porphyria, 687,
6 8 8
Various receptors noxious stimuli, 725
Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP), 203,
208, 224, 734
Vasodilation, 24
Vasodilatory effect, 26
Vasopressin, 47, 290, 291, 505, 714
Vasopressin (antidiuretic hormone), 2
VDR gene, 883
VDR-RXR complex, 883
Venous thrombosis, 858
Verapamil, 321
VHL, 612
VI, 586
V ibrio ch o lera e,
221, 223, 584
Vidarabine, 627
VII, 586
Villi, 199
Villin, 480
Villous flattening, 218
Vinblastine, 483
Vinca alkaloids, 220, 483
Vincristine, 483
Vinorelbine, 483
VIP, 714
V ipera ru sse llii
venom, 870
Viral infections, 179
Viral proteinases (proteases), 103
Vision and vitamin A, 908
Vitamers, 901
Vitamin A, 904
Vitamin B
deficiency, 63, 922
Vitamin B12, 842
Vitamin B
deficiency, 361
Vitamin C, 107, 925
Vitamin D, 876
Vitamin D 25-hydroxylase, 881
Vitamin D metabolism, 880
function, 880
Vitamin D receptor (VDR), 883
Vitamin D-binding protein, 881
Vitamin D response elements (VDREs),
Vitamin D toxicosis, 876
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